Call for Votes - 2018 SPI board elections

Jonathan McDowell noodles at
Sat Jul 14 10:17:25 UTC 2018

On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 08:19:53PM +0200, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Hilmar Lapp <hlapp at> [2018-07-13 13:47]:
> > The ballot explains how the votes will be counted (ScottishSTV) but
> > not what does and what does not constitute a valid ballot
> > submission. Presumably it is some combination of the letters
> > standing for the candidates on the ballot, but that’s me guessing
> > rather than knowing or being instructed.
> Right, each candidate gets a letter and you enter the letters in your
> preference, e.g. ABCD.
> Jonathan, can you add some clarification to the site?

Done. Can I take this opportunity to remind everyone that the code to
the site is in git in multiple places and something like this is the
sort of thing even someone unfamiliar with Python/Flask could have
easily contributed? The template in question is in templates/vote.html:;a=summary

> > Also, what is the effect of leaving off one or more of the
> > candidates from the ballot altogether. Will these be interpreted as
> > least preference or no preference.
> Jonathan?

Ian has already covered this, but to repeat; the new system is a
variant of Single Transferable Vote, not Condorcet. STV has the more
usual property that if you don't specify a candidate in your ranking
then they'll never get your vote; they are least preference as Ian says.
If you only vote for one candidate then only that candidate will get
your vote.


   Life would be easier if I had   |  .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux Developer
         the source code.          | : :' :  Happy to accept PGP signed
                                   | `. `'   or encrypted mail - RSA
                                   |   `-    key on the keyservers.

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