Call for Votes - 2018 SPI board elections

Joshua D. Drake jd at
Fri Jul 13 19:17:52 UTC 2018

On 07/13/2018 11:19 AM, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Hilmar Lapp <hlapp at> [2018-07-13 13:47]:
>> The ballot explains how the votes will be counted (ScottishSTV) but
>> not what does and what does not constitute a valid ballot
>> submission. Presumably it is some combination of the letters
>> standing for the candidates on the ballot, but that’s me guessing
>> rather than knowing or being instructed.
> Right, each candidate gets a letter and you enter the letters in your
> preference, e.g. ABCD.

Does it still have the issue where if you only vote for one candidate 
the vote doesn't count?

> Jonathan, can you add some clarification to the site?
>> Also, what is the effect of leaving off one or more of the
>> candidates from the ballot altogether. Will these be interpreted as
>> least preference or no preference.
> Jonathan?

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