Issue #2 - Allow contributions to website from browser

Joshua D. Drake jd at
Tue Aug 23 14:24:03 UTC 2016

On 08/23/2016 03:38 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Joshua D. Drake writes ("Re: Issue #2 - Allow contributions to website from browser"):
>> Exactly. The barrier to contribution should be as close to sea level as
>> possible. I am fully capable of firing up the SPI infrastructure on a
>> test instance, am I going to? No. I have better things to do.
> "Firing up the SPI infrastructure as a test instance".  Are we still
> talking about ikiwiki ?!

I was talking about the website as a whole. I don't know what it takes 
to get ikiwiki up and running. I shouldn't need to know. We aren't a 
software project.


> Ian.

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