Multi-winner Condorcet, vs STV

Ian Jackson ijackson at
Mon Dec 14 15:45:59 UTC 2009

Jimmy Kaplowitz writes ("Re: Multi-winner Condorcet, vs STV"):
>  Regarding the use of Schulze STV for SPI elections, interesting
> idea indeed and the Secretary may wish to consider it.

Ideally the membership would make this decision as a change to the
bylaws but our constitutional situation is still a bit poor.  Even so
I think the election method should be decided by the Board rather than
the Secretary.

So here are two draft resolutions:



 1. Multi-winner Condorcet as previously used by SPI for elections to
    the Board can be unfair due to lack of proportionality.

 2. Schultze STV is felt to be the currently best available method
    for elections to elect multiple candidates.  

 3. These factors outweigh the complexity and newness of Schultze STV.

 The Board resolves that:

 4. Schultze STV will be used as the voting and counting method for
    Board elections in the future.

 5. The version of Schultze STV to be used is that defined by
      Markus Schulze:
      _Free Riding and Vote Management under Proportional 
       Representation by the Single Transferrable vote_
      (draft, 28 March 2008)
      section 5
    of which the Secretary is asked to take a copy and maintain
    on the SPI website.

 6. If clarifications and/or amendments are necessary, the Secretary
    will consult with Markus Schulze (if Markus is willing) and the
    membership.  Such clarifications and amendments should be reported
    to the Board for approval at a Board Meeting well prior to the
    election at which they will enter into force.

If you prefer plain STV:



 1. Multi-winner Condorcet as previously used by SPI for elections to
    the Board can be unfair due to lack of proportionality.

 2. Conventional STV is an adequate method for our needs, and is
    simple, well-defined and well-established.

 3. These factors outweigh the deficiencies which might be remedied by
    a more complex or newer system.

 The Board resolves that:

 4. Conventional STV (Single Transferrable Vote) will be used as the
    voting and counting method for Board elections in the future.

 5. The version of STV to be used is that defined and recommended
    by the UK Electoral Reform Society.  Currently this may be
    found in the booklet
      Robert A Newland, Frank S Britton:
      _How to conduct an election by the Single Transferable Vote_
    of which the Secretary is asked to take a copy and maintain
    on the SPI website.  The instructions regarding the physical
    management of the election are to be disregarded; the reference is
    only authoritive as to ballot form and counting algorithm.

 6. If clarifications and/or amendments are necessary, the Secretary
    will consult with the membership.  Such clarifications and
    amendments should be reported to the Board for approval at a Board
    Meeting well prior to the election at which they will enter into


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