Meeting log for 2008-05-21

MJ Ray mjr at
Thu May 22 10:06:56 UTC 2008


<bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found
on the web at:

[item 3, President's Report] <bdale> Nothing to report.

[item 4, Treasurer's Report] <schultmc> nothing to add from the draft
report I sent out earlier this month. I'm still working on finalizing
those numbers but they're reasonably accurate. No set timeframe but
hopefully [final report] within the next two weeks. Josh Berkus and I
are exploring hiring someone at our accountant's office to do future
data entry which should speed up future reports.

[item 5, Secretary's report] <bdale> With Neil not here, I presume we
don't have one?

[item 6, Outstanding minutes] <bdale> Neil indicated in email that
several are ready but in his absence we'll vote on them next month. I
suggest folks review them and get him any corrections before the next

<Hydroxide> and re the secretary's report, we might as well mention
that the outstanding minutes are done but not ready for approval since
they haven't been published yet

[item 7, Items up for discussion] <cdlu> I'd just like to point out
two things 1) the election is just over a month away, so get ready 2)
I intend to fulfill my election promise and step aside to vacate my
seat in an effort to equalise our annual election count. Hydroxide is
an interim appointment, and I'm resigning to cause an election I don't
believe there are any others yet up. If one of the 6 voted in at the
same time as me wishes to step aside as wel, we can fix the 3/3/3
problem this year.

[item 8, Next board meeting] <bdale> I believe our default would be
Wednesday 18th June, 2008 - 19:00 UTC?  I'm likely to be traveling at
that time, but can probably attend anyway.

TIMED LOG (+01:00)

20:00:01 <bdale> *GAVEL*
20:00:01 <bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
20:00:01 <bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:00:12 <bdale> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:00:13 <bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record.  As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six.
20:00:13 <bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Maulkin if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
20:00:13 <bdale> Neil himself was a tentative regret.  Who else are we not expecting?
20:00:16 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:00:17 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:00:18 <bdale> Bdale Garbee
20:00:25 <luk_> Luk Claes
20:00:33 <schultmc> bdale: zobel also sent regrets
20:00:36 <luk_> ok, now I can have dinner :-)
20:00:44 <cdlu> David Graham
20:00:53 <bdale> need one more to be quorate
20:00:58 <schultmc> linuxpoet: ping
20:01:00 <Ganneff> Hydroxide: wake up
20:01:01 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
20:01:06 <bdale> cool
20:01:18 <bdale> [item 3, President's Report]
20:01:18 <bdale> Nothing to report.
20:01:18 <bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:01:18 <bdale> Michael?
20:01:38 <schultmc> nothing to add from the draft report I sent out earlier this month
20:01:51 <schultmc> I'm still working on finalizing those numbers but they're reasonably accurate
20:02:02 <bdale> schultmc: any update on when you'll have a real/final report for us?
20:02:22 <schultmc> bdale: no set timeframe but hopefully within the next two weeks
20:02:32 <Hydroxide> schultmc: is it worth providing that in any way that's accessible beyond contributing members? or would it be better to wait for a final one that can be added to the June meeting agenda?
20:02:39 <Hydroxide> s/that/the draft one/
20:02:46 <schultmc> Josh berkus and I are exploring hiring someone at our accountant's office to do future data entry
20:02:51 <bdale> schultmc: ok.  let's chat offline about what reports I think we need to have routinely generated from the data, etc.
20:02:52 <schultmc> which should speed up future reports
20:02:57 <schultmc> bdale: k
20:03:29 <bdale> Hydroxide: I'm ok with having one for the June agenda, I don't see any real value in sending the draft further
20:03:38 <bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:03:38 <bdale> With Neil not here, I presume we don't have one?
20:03:56 <Hydroxide> bdale: fair point.
20:04:22 <bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
20:04:22 <bdale> Neil indicated in email that several are ready but in his absence we'll vote on them next month.
20:04:22 <bdale> I suggest folks review them and get him any corrections before the next meeting.
20:04:22 <Hydroxide> and re the secretary's report, we might as well mention that the outstanding minutes are done but not ready for approval since they haven't been published yet
20:04:29 <Hydroxide> or it could go under this item
20:04:36 <bdale> Hydroxide: ;-)
20:04:42 <bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
20:04:42 <bdale> Nothing in the agenda for today.
20:04:42 <bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly?
20:04:47 <cdlu> yes
20:04:53 <bdale> cdlu: go
20:04:58 <cdlu> I'd just like to point out two things
20:05:06 <cdlu> 1) the election is just over a month away, so get ready
20:05:19 <linuxpoet> hre
20:05:21 <cdlu> 2) I intend to fulfill my election promise and step aside to vacate my seat in an effort to equalise our annual election count.
20:05:34 <cdlu> that's all.
20:05:58 <luk_> how many seats will be vacant including yours?
20:06:01 <bdale> cdlu: ok, thanks.  I've lost track of whose terms are up this year.  is that at hand?
20:06:22 <cdlu> luk, Hydroxide is an interim appointment, and I'm resigning to cause an election
20:06:26 <cdlu> I don't believe there are any others yet up
20:06:41 <bdale> ok
20:06:41 <cdlu> if one of the 6 voted in at the same time as me wishes to step aside as wel, we can fix the 3/3/3 problem this year.
20:06:56 * cdlu reserves the right to immediately stand for re-election.. haven't decided yet.
20:07:04 <linuxpoet> heh
20:07:12 <bdale> I'm less worried about balancing that than some are
20:07:17 <schultmc> bdale and cdlu are up
20:07:27 <cdlu> bdale?
20:07:34 <cdlu> bdale's up next year I think. 
20:07:34 <bdale> heck if I know
20:07:37 <schultmc> err wait
20:07:42 <schultmc> nm
20:07:48 <bdale> I thought it wasn't this year, but I could be wrong.  such details often elude me.
20:07:54 * schultmc misread
20:07:57 <bdale> ok
20:08:03 <bdale> any other items for discussion?
20:08:21 <bdale> [item 8, Next board meeting]
20:08:21 <bdale> I believe our default would be Wednesday 18th June, 2008 - 19:00 UTC?  I'm likely to be traveling at that time, but can probably attend anyway.
20:08:21 <bdale> Anyone have strong objections?
20:08:38 <schultmc> no objections from me
20:08:42 <linuxpoet> I am good
20:08:46 <cdlu> works for me.
20:08:46 <Ganneff> fine for me
20:08:47 <luk_> no, just a small objection regarding the time as usual :-)
20:08:51 <bdale> ok
20:08:54 <bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today.
20:08:54 <bdale> *GAVEL*

MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
(Notice tel:+44-844-4437-237

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