Meeting log for 2008-07-02
MJ Ray
mjr at
Fri Jul 4 17:25:02 UTC 2008
Apologies for the delay in sending this, but seeing as no-one bothered
to announce SPI's annual meeting (which was on a different date to
that mentioned in the by-laws...), I don't think you can blame me for
missing it. After all, so did president bdale. ;-)
Where's the annual report please, o 2008 board?
[item 1, Opening] <Maulkin> Welcome to Software in the Public Interest
Annualmeeting, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and
details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
[item 3, President's Report] <Maulkin> Nothing from bdale received, so
we'll skip this one.
[item 4, Treasurer's Report] <schultmc> no official report at this
time. PaySimple is setup and active - projects have been notified of
its availability I should have a balance sheet available as soon as
the credit card donations have been input ETA ASAP (1-2 weeks I
imagine) I'll continue as treasurer unless someone else volunteers
[item 5, Secretary's report] <Maulkin> Nothing received.
[item 6, Outstanding minutes] <Maulkin> Current voting results for
"Approve February 27th, 2008 minutes": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0,
Missing: 1 ( maulkin.schultmc )
[SPI Board Elections] <Maulkin> Two people are up for election by
constitution/resolution cdlu and Hydroxide A mail will be sent out
shortly with all info in.
<Maulkin> Ganneff: any idea when the machines will be unlocked?
(this is a blocker...)
<Ganneff> Maulkin: asap. (yes, i know i say that for a few days
already :( ). i think this week should work out this time.
<Maulkin> In that case, dates will be per:
[ AOB ] * Hydroxide moves that we wish Ganneff well with his recovery
[next meeting] <Maulkin> Thus, the next meeting is hereby announced as
being Wednesday 16th July, 2008, 19:00 UTC in #spi on
20:04:18 <Maulkin> *GAVEL*
20:04:18 <Maulkin> [item 1, Opening]
20:04:18 <Maulkin> Welcome to Software in the Public Interest Annualmeeting, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:04:21 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: we really need those email announcements...
20:04:22 <Maulkin> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:04:24 <Maulkin> Board members, please state your name for the record. Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Maulkin if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
20:04:29 <cdlu> David Graham
20:04:30 <luk__> Luk Claes
20:04:32 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
20:05:00 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: don't forget yourself...
20:05:22 <Maulkin> cdlu Ganneff Hydroxide Maulkin schultmc bdale linuxpoet luk__ zobel
20:05:26 <Maulkin> Neil McGovernm
20:05:29 <Maulkin> -m
20:06:31 <Hydroxide> anyone have phone numbers for the absent board members?
20:06:47 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:06:49 <schultmc> sorry
20:06:59 <Hydroxide> one more...
20:07:10 <Hydroxide> (hi schultmc)
20:07:11 <Maulkin> Unfortunately, I only have UK ones for the Germans.
20:07:25 <Hydroxide> cdlu: you have some contact info for bdale right?
20:07:30 <Hydroxide> back from when you were secretary?
20:07:31 <luk__> Maulkin: db.d.o might help?
20:07:42 <cdlu> Hydroxide, I don't
20:07:52 <Hydroxide> ah...
20:07:54 * cdlu also does not have access to db.d.o
20:08:03 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: does.
20:08:09 <Hydroxide> err, minus colon
20:09:07 * Maulkin tries to work db.d.o
20:09:31 <Maulkin> Who wants to call bdale? :)
20:09:39 <Maulkin> (US person I guess)
20:09:47 * schultmc can call
20:10:33 <Maulkin> I'll give it until 20:15 or so if no response, and postpone.
20:10:43 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: did you find bdale's number?
20:10:52 * schultmc left a message
20:11:02 <Maulkin> Hydroxide: yes, sent to schultmc
20:11:08 <Hydroxide> ok cool
20:11:25 <luk__> Ganneff is probably recovering from his surgery and zobel might be recovering from the wedding he attended and the move of a datacenter...
20:11:31 * Maulkin nods
20:11:32 <Hydroxide> whoever ends up as secretary for the '08-'09 board term, PLEASE remember to do announcements.
20:11:47 <Maulkin> Well, won't be me.
20:11:48 * schultmc votes for Hydroxide ;)
20:11:52 <Maulkin> ditto :)
20:12:05 <Maulkin> Or cdlu
20:12:30 <cdlu> I did my two years
20:12:34 <cdlu> any more and I have to do it federally.
20:12:36 <Hydroxide> I'll consider it, assuming I get on the board.
20:12:56 <Maulkin> Yay, not me.
20:13:03 <schultmc> Hydroxide: aren't you serving out jberkus' term?
20:13:06 <Hydroxide> note "consider" != "commit to"
20:13:15 - Sledge!steve at has joined #spi
20:13:21 <Hydroxide> schultmc: as an interim board member. I'm running for election to a full term this election cycle
20:13:22 * Maulkin wonders if we could resove that someone can't be secreatry for two years.
20:13:28 <schultmc> Hydroxide: ah
20:13:35 <Maulkin> 2 mins
20:13:35 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: haven't you already been?
20:13:36 <cdlu> schultmc, interim terms end at the next election
20:13:51 <luk__> Maulkin: no, as someone might be insane enough to cope :-)
20:13:52 <cdlu> Maulkin, I agree
20:13:53 <Maulkin> Hydroxide: yes. And the second one didn't go so well... :)
20:14:02 <cdlu> you and I both did well first year, badly second ear
20:14:02 <cdlu> year
20:14:15 <cdlu> secretary should be a rotation position among board members
20:14:25 <Maulkin> Could be, yes.
20:14:26 <Maulkin> One min
20:14:39 <Hydroxide> what happens to election timing?
20:14:46 <Hydroxide> I imagine it should still be announced via email anyway
20:14:57 <Maulkin> Hydroxide: Email will get sent, basically.
20:14:57 <Hydroxide> independent of the meeting
20:14:58 <cdlu> nominations are theoretically open :)
20:15:01 <Hydroxide> ok
20:15:03 <Maulkin> (ie: same as last year)
20:15:11 <cdlu> straw poll: should I seek re-election?
20:15:15 - zobel!zobel at has joined #spi
20:15:18 <Maulkin> cdlu: Ack.
20:15:18 <zobel> re
20:15:19 <Hydroxide> cdlu: yes, if you're willing
20:15:27 <cdlu> zobek, quorum!
20:15:28 <zobel> sorry for being late
20:15:30 <Hydroxide> zobel: say your name - we were about to close the meeting
20:15:30 <Maulkin> Quorum!
20:15:35 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:15:38 <Hydroxide> wow.
20:15:40 <cdlu> talk about cutting it close.
20:15:45 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:15:45 <Maulkin> [item 3, President's Report]
20:15:47 <cdlu> 7!
20:15:52 <Maulkin> Yay! Ganneff: take over :)
20:15:57 <Ganneff> Maulkin: no.
20:16:01 <Maulkin> Aww, ok
20:16:04 <cdlu> Maulkin, did you /msg bdale and linuxpoet?
20:16:13 <luk__> there is no president, move on :-)
20:16:15 <Maulkin> 20:16 -!- There is no such nick bdale
20:16:21 <cdlu> there is a linuxpoet
20:16:26 <luk__> cdlu: I messaged linuxpoet
20:16:28 <cdlu> ok
20:16:41 <Hydroxide> I messaged linuxpoet on Freenode even (and Ganneff here)
20:16:42 <luk__> Maulkin: next topic
20:16:43 <Maulkin> Nothing from bdale received, so we'll skip this one.
20:16:45 <Hydroxide> (hi Ganneff)
20:16:48 <Maulkin> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:17:03 <Maulkin> Michael?
20:17:26 <schultmc> no official report at this time. PaySimple is setup and active - projects have been notified of its availability
20:17:46 <schultmc> I should have a balance sheet available as soon as the credit card donations have been input
20:17:54 <Hydroxide> schultmc: ETA until official report? and are you planning to continue as treasurer?
20:18:10 <schultmc> ETA ASAP (1-2 weeks I imagine)
20:18:19 <Hydroxide> (just mentioning that second question because of the elections, not because of the lack of report)
20:18:25 <schultmc> I'll continue as treasurer unless someone else volunteers
20:18:28 <Hydroxide> ok
20:18:31 <luk__> great
20:18:33 * schultmc hears the crickets chirp
20:18:45 <Maulkin> (say when done by the way :P)
20:18:49 <Hydroxide> schultmc: that would be at our first post-election meeting, anyway
20:18:53 <schultmc> </done>
20:19:00 <Maulkin> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:19:00 <Maulkin> Nothing received.
20:19:07 <luk__> done
20:19:14 <Maulkin> Election info will be covered in the next section
20:19:20 <Maulkin> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
20:19:26 <Maulkin> One set this month.
20:19:34 <Maulkin> February 27th, 2008
20:19:40 <Maulkin>
20:19:42 * Hydroxide notes with amusement that the agenda on the website has a spurious Spanish Trademark Report item
20:20:22 <Maulkin> Does it? Dammit.
20:20:31 <schultmc> and berkus is listed as treasurer
20:20:40 <Hydroxide> well, was he back in February?
20:20:50 <Maulkin> Can you guess what I based it on?
20:20:50 <Hydroxide> wait, no he isn't listed as treasurer
20:20:56 <Hydroxide> oh, today? gotcha
20:21:00 <schultmc> he is on today's agenda
20:21:03 <Maulkin> Anyway, /me moves to approve
20:21:05 <Hydroxide> right, I figured it out
20:21:07 * schultmc seconds
20:21:13 <Hydroxide> give me five seconds to read it
20:21:40 <Hydroxide> seems fine
20:22:17 <Maulkin> Voting started, 6 people (cdlu,luk__,hydroxide,maulkin.schultmc,zobel,ganneff) allowed to vote on Approve February 27th, 2008 minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
20:22:19 <luk__> !vote yes
20:22:22 <Maulkin> !vote yes
20:22:26 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
20:22:26 <schultmc> !vote yes
20:22:28 <Ganneff> !vote yes
20:22:54 <luk__> cdlu: ?
20:22:58 <zobel> !vote yes
20:23:12 <cdlu> !vote yes
20:23:13 <cdlu> sorry
20:23:14 <Maulkin> Current voting results for "Approve February 27th, 2008 minutes": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 1 ( maulkin.schultmc )
20:23:17 <Maulkin> Voting for "Approve February 27th, 2008 minutes" closed.
20:23:22 <Maulkin> err... ok
20:23:24 <luk__> Maulkin: you have to learn to count
20:23:24 <Maulkin> +2
20:23:40 <luk__> there are 7 people
20:23:50 <schultmc> maulkin.schultmc is invalid
20:23:54 <schultmc> fix that and you get the 7
20:24:03 <Maulkin> For the more observant, we don't have a spanish trademark report anymore
20:24:11 <Maulkin> So now, [SPI Board Elections]
20:24:17 <Hydroxide> yes, I was aware of that. just amused :)
20:24:48 <Maulkin> Two people are up for election by constitution/resolution
20:24:58 <Maulkin> cdlu and Hydroxide
20:25:23 <cdlu> Hydroxide, it seems to me we've been on the same ballot together many times.
20:25:26 <Hydroxide> I plan to email in my nomination for (re)election once they've been announced
20:25:28 <Hydroxide> cdlu: true.
20:25:29 <Maulkin> Anyone else had enough and want to get off? :)
20:25:43 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: maybe mention all the relevant dates of the election?
20:25:51 <Hydroxide> (for the record)
20:26:03 <Maulkin> A mail will be sent out shortly with all info in.
20:26:06 <Hydroxide> ok.
20:26:12 <Maulkin> Ganneff: any idea when the machines will be unlocked?
20:26:13 <luk__> great
20:26:20 <Maulkin> (this is a blocker...)
20:26:48 <Ganneff> Maulkin: asap. (yes, i know i say that for a few days already :( ). i think this week should work out this time.
20:27:00 <Maulkin> Ganneff: within 2 weeks?
20:27:04 <Ganneff> yes
20:27:21 <Maulkin> Cool.
20:27:29 <Maulkin> In that case, dates will be per:
20:28:18 <Maulkin> So, good luck all :)
20:28:22 <Maulkin> [ AOB ]
20:28:41 <Hydroxide> one item
20:28:48 <Maulkin> Hydroxide: you have the floor
20:28:53 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: did the surgery go well?
20:29:05 * Hydroxide moves that we wish Ganneff well with his recovery
20:29:10 * Maulkin seconds
20:29:15 * luk__ seconds
20:29:22 * zobel seconds
20:29:25 * Maulkin holds a vote by acclimation. Any objectors?
20:29:43 <Ganneff> yes, just the pain afterwards is worse than expected. and thanks.
20:29:53 <Maulkin> So moved.
20:29:59 <Maulkin> Right, next meeting.
20:30:10 <Maulkin> As a standard, this will be 9. Wednesday 16th July, 2008
20:30:13 <Maulkin> However...
20:30:44 <Maulkin> I suggest a special meeting after the election
20:30:45 <luk__> maybe we can make it dependent on if there are more candidates than seats or not?
20:30:52 <cdlu> Maulkin, that would be the convention
20:31:01 <Maulkin> Well, we can.
20:31:09 <Maulkin> And that would make sense
20:31:32 <Hydroxide> one problem with the wednesday after the election - it's my birthday
20:31:46 <Maulkin> Thus, the next meeting is hereby announced as being Wednesday 16th July, 2008, 19:00 UTC in #spi on
20:31:49 <Hydroxide> (jul 30)
20:31:53 <Maulkin> This may move if we're in an election.
20:31:57 <zobel> Hydroxide: so we party after the meeting :)
20:32:11 <Maulkin> I'll mail out details.
20:32:18 <Hydroxide> zobel: ok, that could work too, if I don't have a scheduling conflict :)
20:32:21 * cdlu prepares a resolution for the secretary role
20:32:26 * Maulkin nods
20:32:26 <cdlu> for next meeting
20:32:38 <Maulkin> Now, one othe rthing I'd like the board to consider:
20:32:38 <cdlu> Jul 30 works for me, so does Jul 16
20:32:39 * cdlu not picky
20:32:47 <Maulkin> Do we still require monthly meetings?
20:32:58 <cdlu> Maulkin, the by-laws only require quarterly meetings
20:33:02 <Maulkin> It's not something I'm going to push now, but something to think about.
20:33:04 <Maulkin> cdlu: ack
20:33:10 <Ganneff> bi-monthly would work too
20:33:16 <Hydroxide> it's easier to remember monthly
20:33:22 <Ganneff> yes
20:33:25 <cdlu> Maulkin, if we create effective subcommittees, then meeting quarterly would make sense
20:33:28 <cdlu> I believe that was the intent of the by-laws.
20:33:38 <Maulkin> The by-lays has intent?!
20:33:44 <Maulkin> *laws
20:33:55 <Maulkin> Anyway, *gavel*
Hope that informs,
MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
(Notice tel:+44-844-4437-237
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