3 administrative problems

Branden Robinson branden at spi-inc.org
Tue Feb 22 17:13:38 UTC 2005

I'm having some administrative difficulties and hope this message gets
through to the right people.

1) As of sometime yesterday evening (about 0200 UTC Tuesday), messages[1] I
sent to board at spi-inc.org no longer come back to me.

2) The website does not appear to be getting automatically updated.  I made
some updates to the SPI Donations page[2] on 18 February, but they haven't
shown up yet.  My commits were reflected on the spi-www mailing list.
Peter Karlsson also reported to spi-www that he was unable to see my

3) There is apparently a problem with our mailman installation.  Please see
<URL: http://www.spi-inc.org/mailing_lists/ >

Can anyone tell me what's going on, or fix these problems?

[1] Message-ID: <20050222011344.GA12443 at redwald.deadbeast.net>
    Message-ID: <20050222011718.GJ8659 at redwald.deadbeast.net>
    Message-ID: <20050222150128.GK8659 at redwald.deadbeast.net>
[2] http://www.spi-inc.org/donations

G. Branden Robinson, Deputy Treasurer
Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
branden at deadbeast.net
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