SPI Bylaws Amendment - Removal by Membership

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Wed Dec 11 19:09:20 UTC 2002

I would like to reply to my own message and state that I offer this because
I believe it would be a better alternative to the other proposed amendment. 
My hope is that the current problem can be solved at next week's meeting,
but my belief is that the below proposal will also help us avert this
problem in the future, even if the board currently can solve it without this
mechanism.  Seconds are welcomed at this time.

Nonetheless, if the board does solve it next week, I would be happy to table
it for now while the house gets back in order.

I believe it is clean, simple, to the point, and a good solution.

-- John

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 01:04:34PM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> I put forth this as an alternative to get us out of our current mess.
> Proposal follows:
> It is resolved that following be appended to the end of Article Seven of the
> By-Laws of Software in the Public Interest, Inc.:
> A director or officer may also be removed for any or no reason when
> two-thirds of the contributing members support such an action under a vote
> as established in article five.  If the Secretary is the subject of the
> vote, an independant inspector of election shall fulfill all duties normally
> performed by the secretary under article five, for the purpose of this vote
> only.  The quorum for the vote shall be the same as for any other
> contributing member vote.

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