SPI Board meeting in 15 minutes

Jimmy Kaplowitz jimmy at debian.org
Wed Dec 11 09:24:05 UTC 2002

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 10:07:49AM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> It would help if these messages were posted perhaps one day before, and six
> hours before. I would have been online for this, but I wasn't because I
> simply wasn't aware that there was a meeting then.

Good idea.

> (Does not being aware of the meetings make me a bad member? Does it make
> board members bad members? It's just too easy to dismiss people like this.)

I don't think it reflects badly on most SPI members, but I do think
board members should be sure to know about the meetings - at least the
regular monthly meetings governed by SPI resolution 2002-05-07.wta, and
that they should attempt to find out what happens at meetings they miss
(and therefore they should have known about the adjournments, since they
were announced on spi-general, a low-volume list). In any case, I am
glad that Anthony Towns posted a reminder about the meeting next Tuesday
to both spi-general and the board list. That way all the board members
will at least have been informed, and we will have the best possible
chance to meet quorum.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz
jimmy at debian.org
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