#06: Public Resolutions [CALL FOR VOTES]

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Jun 27 19:57:16 UTC 2003

[ chairman hat on ]

The below bylaws amendment is up for vote among bylaws committee members.

Committee members, please reply to this message with your vote.  Yes or no
only, please.

This vote will end one week from today or when three yes or three no
votes are received, since the outcome will then be certain.

This takes David's proposal, and adds qualifiers stating where
it is to be inserted into the bylaws and slightly fixes the reference in the
second paragraph.

[ proposal follows ]

The following text shall be inserted after the last paragraph of the
"Resolutions" section of Article 5:

  Any resolution passed by the Board of Directors of this organisation may,
  with the absolute unanimous consent of all Board members, be kept
  confidential from the membership and the public. If any Board member
  decides at a future date that the resolution should no longer be
  confidential, unanimous consent will be considered to no longer exist and
  the resolution will henceforth be available to the membership.

  No resolution may be considered enacted or enforceable until it is either
  available to the entire contributing membership or the Board has
  unanimously agreed to keep it confidential under the above procedure.

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