Bylaws committee status

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Fri Jun 27 15:45:31 UTC 2003


As you know, this committee is set to expire on July 1.  We are to produce
our report by that date.

We are not anywhere near being done, though.  Several of us, myself
included, have found less time to devote to this than we'd like in the last
month or so (and my two vacations didn't help move things along either.)

I have therefore proposed a resolution to the Board that would do two
things: 1) extend our charter until January 15, 2004; and 2) give the
chairman of the committee the ability to accept resignations and appoint new
members to fill vacancies.

I have also informed the Board that we will provide them with our
recommendations to date as of the July 1 date originally contemplated.
This will consist of Taral's markup.  I expect that it will consist of what
we have approved this far, plus the result of the vote now in progress.

I expect that the Board will be able to ratify this on or before the July 1
meeting, and don't expect problems getting it to pass.  Therefore, we can
continue working as usual for the time being.

However, I would like to extend a request:

For those that have not been active for some time, I would like you to
either 1) commit to being more active in the futurex, or 2) tender your
resignation so we may appoint more active committee members -- either one
effective immediately.

I have learned that working with one or two people down is difficult, so I
would like to make sure that all five of us are present and accounted for. 

-- John

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