#03: Board meeting quorum issues

Taral taral at taral.net
Wed Mar 12 17:25:44 UTC 2003

On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 03:40:49PM -0500, David Graham wrote:
> In my opinion, quorum should be removed in favour of sufficient-notice
> rules, so that the president or secretary can't call a meeting for three
> minutes from now to pass an unpopular motion.

I think both should be present. Quorum should be 2/3 of the board
members, but the quorum requirement is waived in the case of N days
notice. I believe N should be at least 30, if not 60. There needs to be
a way to object to notice, such that if more than 1/3 of the board
objects to the notice, it is invalidated.

Taral <taral at taral.net>
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