Updated issues list

David Graham cdlu at pkl.net
Sun Feb 23 22:36:57 UTC 2003

> This still needs reducing. Please look at the summary under your name
> and see if you can't reduce the number of bullets. Try to generalize.

Ok, I think a new tack might be appropriate - other thoughts?

We should wipe everything from after article 2 - notwithstanding Jimmy
Kaplowitz' note about a contradiction in article 1 - on and start over,
keeping what we agree is good rather than removing what is not.

To do this I would suggest making a list of key points the by-laws must
have, and then together write the simplest possible by-laws that conform
to those points (such as membership rules/requirements, committee
charters, board rules, elections, and amendments), keeping them all
properly separated and in the spirit of SPI's charter and purpose. Looking
back over my points and everyone else's, I think "fixing" the by-laws
might be a bit too much of a bandaid solution, and rewriting them may well
be in order.

David "cdlu" Graham 			cdlu at pkl.net
Guelph, Ontario			SMS: +1 519 760 1409

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