Next step -- Deciding on output

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Tue Feb 4 04:24:39 UTC 2003

OK, looks like there was no dissent on the draft agenda posted at, or the
voting procedures, so let's start moving forward.  I think we can use the
vorting procedures spelled out there for now, with the added provision that
all votes end after a maximum of four days.

Our first task is to decide on our output -- what we are going to submit to
the Board and the SPI membership at the conclusion of our committee.

I suggest the following:

1. A proposal for bylaws amendments, detailing the changes we suggest or
perhaps just listing the new document.

2. Rationale for each proposed change.  Includes comments from dissenters,
if any.

3. Identification of problems.  We will want to write this up as part of our
own process anyway, so might as well make it "more official."

Please comment.

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