SPI board of directors for 2019
Jimmy Kaplowitz
jimmy at spi-inc.org
Mon Aug 5 17:53:20 UTC 2019
Hi everyone,
On Fri, Aug 02, 2019 at 09:31:20AM +1000, Tim Potter wrote:
> Hi everyone. The results are in for the selection of new board of directors members for the SPI. There were exactly the number of nominations as positions so no elections will be held.
> I would like to announce the following people have been appointed or re-appointed to the board:
> * Forrest Fleming
> * Chris Lamb
> * Héctor Oron
> * Tim Potter
> The board wishes to thank Renee Phillips and R. Tyler Croy for their service as interim directors.
A few brief additions to the above results: Martin Zobel-Helas sought
another term and is therefore re-appointed to the board; I declined to
seek another term, and I am therefore no longer an SPI director.
I remain SPI President for now despite not being a director until a
replacement is chosen or until I explicitly resign from that role. The
new board is expecting to elect its 2019-2020 officers, which will
include a replacement President, at its August 12th board meeting.
Please rest assured that my departure is not a protest of any kind, and
is simply due to the increased demands of the rest of my life. I wish
SPI only the best.
- Jimmy Kaplwitz
jimmy at spi-inc.org
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