[RESULT] Replace the bylaws of Software in the Public Interest

Tim Potter tpot at frungy.org
Tue Apr 9 19:13:11 UTC 2019

Hi everyone. The results fo the recent vote to replace the SPI bylaws
have been calculated.

Out of 216 contributing members 129 votes were cast. 125 votes to
accept the new bylaws to and 4 voted to not accept the new bylaws.

Article 12 of the curent bylaws[1] requires that two thirds of
members, 145 in this case, vote in the affirmative for bylaws to be
altered, amended, repealed or added to.

As such the vote to replace the bylaws did NOT pass.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the voting process.

Secretary, Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

[1] https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/by-laws/

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