SPI Board Meeting Reminder: Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Jimmy Kaplowitz secretary at spi-inc.org
Wed Aug 19 16:18:49 UTC 2009


Software in the Public Interest, Inc., will hold a public board of directors
meeting today, Wednesday, August 19th, 2009, at 20:00 UTC.

SPI meetings are held on the OFTC IRC network, irc.oftc.net, in #spi.
The agenda for the meeting, subject to review and any emergency additions by
the Secretary, is now available at

The principal business to occur at this meeting is the election of the
2009-2010 SPI officers from among the current board members. There are also
four sets of minutes to approve, i.e. all outstanding minutes, including those
from before my term as Secretary. All four sets of minutes have been online
since at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. There is a secretary's report
regarding the 2009 SPI elections and regarding OSUNIX, as well as a routine
treasurer's report. No regrets have been received.

More information on SPI meetings can be found at
Jimmy Kaplowitz
Secretary, Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
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