SPI Board Meeting Reminder: Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Jimmy Kaplowitz secretary at spi-inc.org
Wed Feb 11 05:04:21 UTC 2009


Software in the Public Interest, Inc., will hold a public board of directors
meeting in roughly 15 hours, i.e. on Wednesday, February 11th, 2009, at 20:00
UTC. Note that this is one week earlier than our usual monthly schedule, in
order to speed the approval of the Helios Initiative as an associated project
which was deferred from the January meeting to seek legal advice.

SPI meetings are held on the OFTC IRC network, irc.oftc.net, in #spi.
The agenda for the meeting, subject to review and additions by the
Secretary, will be available at

I regret that I have not been able to prepare agendas, minutes, or the OpenWRT
resolution yet; as part of an office move at my paid job, I have worked 14-hour
or longer days for four out of the five past days, including two nights with
only five hours sleep. In light of this, I will be deferring the OpenWRT
resolution and pending minutes approval until the March meeting, in the
interest of transparency. The Helios Initiative resolution will still be voted
on since it was mentioned in last week's announcement and since the resolution
is unchanged from the January meeting.

A treasurer's report has been received; I will include this in the agenda when
I create it, along with a secretary's report and any other officer reports I
receive between now and then, plus the Helios Initiative resolution. Tentative
regrets from three non-officer directors have been received.

More information on SPI meetings can be found at
Jimmy Kaplowitz
Secretary, Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
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