SPI Update

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Wed Mar 16 15:18:28 UTC 2005

Hello everyone,

SPI had a board meeting yesterday, and here's an update about what's
been going on.  Due to the schedule change we adopted at the previous
meeting, this is actually the second meeting this month.  We'll be
back to one per month in April.


Due to a scheduling conflict with our regular meeting date of April
19, the Board elected to meet on April 12 instead.  The time will be
the same as always, 19:00 UTC.

Please note: this will be a different *local* time for people in much
of the world due to daylight saving time.  (UTC does not change for

Please double-check the time in your specific timezone.

Our meetings are held in irc.oftc.net #spi.  More details are
available at http://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/meetings.  The public is
welcome at SPI Board meetings.


No firm Branden contacted in Indiana was able to help us.  Mako has
volunteered to try to find an accountant in New York that can help,
and will coordinate with Jimmy and Branden as needed.


Another treasurer's report was submitted and approved by the Board at
yesterday's meeting.  Jimmy & Branden are still working at refining
these reports, but we are already getting far more information than we
had in the past.  The report should be available on spi-announce
shortly, and can be found until then at

Brief summary: During February, SPI received $4936.22 in donations
($3320 of that earmarked for Debian).  SPI paid out $3561.47 in
expenses, $3344.69 of that being for Debconf travel reimbursements.
SPI therefore had a net income of $1374.75 in February.


SPI's former server, purcel, is no longer needed.  Ean Schuessler has
offered to take it to a local nonprofit if we authorize this.  The
Board passed a resolution doing so at the meeting, but discovered a
couple of problems with it later.  This matter will probably be
finalized before or during the next meeting.


SPI Secretary David Graham has started looking through our old
resolutions, trying to find ones that are no longer applicable or
relevant.  That way, the Board can repeal them, and reduce the
bureaucratic complexity of getting things done.

The Board voted to repeal 2003-03-11.iwj.1, which called for setting
up a board-private list.  That never actually happened, the it doesn't
seem that it would solve any present problems.

David also brought up 2004-05-28.dbg.1.iwj.1, establishing IRC logs as
interim minutes.  After some discussion, it was decided that this one
would be better amended instead of repealed.  David plans to prepare an
amendment for next month's meeting.


Ian Jackson will go over them and make suggestions.


I received positive feedback after posting this announcement last
time.  I'll plan to keep doing so.  I'll post it myself to
spi-announce and debian-devel-announce.  I encourge representatives
from other SPI member projects to forward them to your projects as you
feel appropriate.

Also, please note that the following types of items are also posted to
spi-announce only:

 * Meeting notices

 * Resolutions, meeting minutes, and reports, once approved by the

Your feedback is welcome; please send it to spi-general at lists.spi-inc.org.

You can subscribe to, or view archives of, SPI lists at:


These updates are not reviewed by the SPI Board.  Any mistakes are
solely my own.

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